CSS Button Designer

Use the controls to set the properties of your button, your changes will appear immediately. Click on a color in the respective palette to set a color. When satisfied with result, select and copy the code at the bottom of the page. Paste the code into your HTML page. Change the # symbol in the link to your target URL.

Button Text

Button Properties:
Button Text:

Background Color:
Border Properties:
Border Width:
Border Style:
Border Color:
Font Properties:
Font Size:
Font Style:
Font Weight:
Font Color:

Button Code:

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More Graphics Design Tips:
• SVG Example Code to Rotate Elements
• MathML Elements to Display Subscripts and Superscripts
• SVG Code to Place Text on a Curved Path
• Coding Color for the Web
• History of Type Development and Type Terminology
• Inkscape - How to Delete a Node
• Where To Find Free Stock Photography, Clip Art, And Other Graphics For Your Web Site
• Inkscape - How to Use Bitmap Image Fill Pattern
• Draw Bezier SVG Drawing Application
• How to Make a Simple Video