MathML Element to Display a Fraction

The mfrac element is used to display a fraction.

y 3

If the fraction contains a single element in the numerator and a single element in the denominator, then the simple coding show above will work.

3 y 12

If either the numerator or the denominator, or both, contain multiple elements, then use the mrow element to specify which elements go in the numerator and which go in the denominator.

2 x - 14 + 3 ( x + 2 ) 6 ( 2 x + 2 - 4 ( 4 x - 2 ) )







Using the row element and the mo element to define parentheses, you can define some pretty complex fractional expressions, as shown above.

y 3 12
   <mfrac bevelled="true"> 

By nesting mfrac elements you can create multi-level fractions. A multi-level fraction can sometimes be made more understandable by using a diagonal fraction bar. To create a diagonal fraction bar, add the bevelled attribute, set to "true", to the mfrac opening tag.

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