Tips For Hand Coding MathML

sin θ = n0 (-1) nθ2n+1 (2n+1)!

You my recognize the function shown above as the trigonometric formula to calculate arc length in radians. In this article I explain my method for hand-coding complex mathematical expressions such as this.

(-1) nθ2n+1

First, write the code for the numerator of the fraction, which contains a complex exponent.


Next, write the code for the denominator of the fraction.

(-1) nθ2n+1 (2n+1)!

Then use an <mfrac> element to create the fraction.

(-1) nθ2n+1 (2n+1)!
    <msup> <mrow><mo>(</mo><mn>-1</mn><mo>)</mo></mrow>
    </msup> </mrow>

Next place the code for the summation symbol before the fraction.

n0 (-1) nθ2n+1 (2n+1)!
 <mrow><ms lquote=" " rquote=" ">∑</ms></mrow>

Then use a <munder> element to put the range under the summation symbol.

sin θ = n0 (-1) nθ2n+1 (2n+1)!
  <mrow><ms lquote=" " rquote=" ">∑</ms></mrow>

Then code the left side and equals sign of the equation.

sin θ = n0 (-1) nθ2n+1 (2n+1)!
 <mrow><ms lquote=" " rquote=" ">∑</ms></mrow>
     <mstyle mathsize="big">

You may have noticed that the text size of the exponent in the numerator of the fraction is very tiny. You can fix this by using an <mstyle> element with a mathsize attribute set to "big".

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